Ebony & Ivory Keys

Ivory & Ebony Key Top Repair Pricing

  • Replace missing, chipped, cracked, or broken Ivory key tops using reclaimed vintage Ivory salvaged from over 100 years of business.

  • Repair broken, chipped, or cracked ivory piano key tops.

  • Remove yellowing from the original Ivory. We use a gentle whitening process that takes over 24 hours, the result is stunning and permanent.

  • Deep Cleaning, Buffing,  and polishing of original Ivory key tops.

  • Restoration of Ebony key tops includes removing the original lacquer, then sealing and buffing with a specially formulated black rouge to seal the ebony.

  • Replacement of Ebony key tops using the highest grade genuine Ebony or plastic (upon request).

Key Top Replacement Pricing (if you have plastic, yellowed, or too many missing ivories)

  • Starts at $285, additional fees if keys need shimming to fit on key frame evenly.

  • Key top replacement using either simulated ivory (USA), white acrylics (USA), or high-density acrylic (German).

  • All key top services are done in-house using the proper methods in order to obtain the original measurements of overall key height and maintain genuine specs.

  • Replacement of Ebony key tops, if you have a mismatched set or missing ebonies we can replace/restore the keyboard to match the original styling. Available in either Ebony or Plastic.

  • Polishing of existing plastic keytops. Do you have severely scratched or damaged plastic keytops? In most cases, we can use a special rouge and buff/polish the original keytops to a like-new finish.

* Special note, you can tell the difference between plastic and ivory by looking for grain on the key top, if you have grain and the key top appears to be two pieces then you have Ivory, if not, you likely have plastic.